How to Get Back in the Dating Game During COVID Times
So you thought dating during COVID times is futile, right? Think again.
2020, the year that took a toll on our lives, our work, our social circle, our perspective and also, our dating game.
Yep, we know that the year was hard but instead of bumming you out by reminding you about all the things that you couldn’t do, this post is here to help you return to your dating game.
These 5 simple but golden tips will help you get back in the groove.
Tip #1 Start communicating.
It’s time to get online on a dating app and start interacting with people, with the intention to meet. Now that the new normal is here to stay for a while, there is no reason to keep yourself away from the fun of dating, all you need to be is selective but also, cautious.
Tip #2 - It’s okay to hold your reservations.
If you don’t feel safe visiting someone’s place or inviting your date over to yours then be open and vocal about it. Take the time to know the person well first.
Tip #3 - Be frank.
If this is your first time stepping out for a date during COVID, be frank. Chances are high that your date has been experiencing the same. Instead of worrying about looking nonchalant, simply share what you are really feeling with your date and give them the same kind of space.
Tip #4 Sanitise.
Often most of us end up thinking that we’ll look like an absolute doofus if we pop out that little bottle of sanitiser every time we touch another object. Don’t worry, hygiene is the new sexy, your date is most likely to appreciate the fact that you value hygiene and safety as much as they do. But remember to not get too obsessed with it at the same time.
Tip #5 Enjoy the fun of being online.
If you and your date are unable to catch up very often because you both live far off, then there are endless ways to recreate the fun of dates online. From having a Netflix watch party together or just talking for hours on Zoom, being far won’t stop you from being close anymore.
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