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Sexy Beast Stories

Having Less, But Being More

by Raj Rana 17 Jan 2022 0 Comments

We believe that no matter how much you plan things out, there is always, always going to be something that life throws at you that’s going to catch you off guard. What matters most in that situation then, is how you deal with it.

If we think of our minds as a storehouse of things, I like to think that at any given point of time, it should have a little space left for these unprecedented moments. If not, we’re left chaotically trying to accommodate the new stuff.

Now trust us when we say that this is far easier said, than done. There needs to be a series of conscious paradigm shifting decisions taken to allow us to adapt to a lifestyle of this kind. But the rewards of it, in this day and age, outweigh the initial effort.

We say this because compared to the previous years, where things happened at more manageable pace, we realize that in this day and age, there is far more to do within the same 24 hours allotted to everyone else. The constant tug of war between needs and wants gets hold of us somewhere in between.

Coming to the ‘less is more’ attitude. It is not about being frugal or anything, (not that frugality killed anyone!), but rather about investing in choices that are the best for you. In some sense, it is like sculpting the best version of your life out from the massive chunk of rock that exists around it. Choosing to consciously get rid of the things that are not needed, or not adding any value.

Applied to the bigger picture of life, removing the things that aren’t of any value, only help free yourself to be more available to the things that truly are. And in that sense, being a minimalist, is less about giving up things, and more about being a hundred percent of you.

A few foundational thoughts for us as we set out to set up Sexy Beast from a minimalist point of view were:

  • Quality always, always, always, comes above quantity.
  • Every single person who owns a piece of our clothing, no matter what its value, should derive the superlative sense of being.
  • Being grateful for everything that comes our way.

At the end of the day, what we do today is going to be the legacy we leave behind. And we would never want to look back and see a lie which did not make any difference at all. We are the captains of our ships, we decide where we sail off to, and being a minimalist allows us to enjoy that journey every single step of the way.

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