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Sexy Beast Stories

3 Easy Ways To Naturally Improve Your Sex Dive

by Sexy Beast 07 Jun 2021 0 Comments

SEX. A short, tiny, three letter word, that seems to have rocked the world of so many in the past!

Yes, pun intended there, but what we really mean to say is that, so many events in the past have occurred due to the love, or dare we say, lust of one for the other. 

And despite it being such an integral part of all our lives historically, geographically, culturally, economically, and socially, it is still a hush-hush topic for the Indian society.

In the spirit of that hush-hush-ness, whether you see it as the sacred act between man and woman, or as something that you…well just do, it is interesting to think about the relationship that human beings have with both: their partner, as well as themselves, when it comes to sexual activity.

While having sex is almost always associated with the sentiments of trust, intimacy, and ultimate pleasure, it comes with a series of actual health benefits as well. 

Releasing the happy hormones in your brain, it is one of the most de-stressing activities known to humankind. 

While making you feel that happy high, it also helps improve your cardiovascular health, getting rid of headaches, and in general keeping your physical and mental health intact – while burning a lot of calories too!

Yet, there are times where for various reasons that stem from stress, fatigue, genetics, or more, you can find yourself steering away from the idea of sexual intercourse. And that is completely normal! 

The kind of lifestyles we have all gotten used to, makes this a common, often unsaid, occurrence in many households. But that doesn’t mean that you give up on it completely! 

Well, if you are in two minds, we just wrote an entire paragraph on genuine health benefits of having sex! If for nothing else, do it, for those!

Here are three natural ways that have proven to get that action back for many in the past:

Get Exercising

Yes, yes, we know how annoying it is that most things seem to be linked to exercising! Feeling low? Exercise. Need to stay motivated? Exercise. Want to achieve something in life? Exercise.

But maybe, just maybe, there is something to it? Why not try it out for a change and see? It is said that 30 minutes of a daily workout helps strengthen muscles, facilitates blood flow, and balances your hormones. All of this helps to calm your mind, making the struggles of everyday life much easier to bear. 

Psychologically, people who exercise regularly are more compassionate to themselves, helping them with a boost of confidence to perform much better sexually.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle with everything at the touch of a few buttons, has made a lot of us insecure about our bodies. Exercising even a little, serves the dual purpose of feeling fitter, and getting over the guilt of doing nothing about it.

Keep Your Relationship Alive

Unfortunately, human tendency makes us forget the value of things with time. You can see it right from your childhood days, where the toy you so dearly longed for, would soon be found strewn around in the courtyard. 

Perhaps, the more we have of something, the less we learn to value it, and the same stands true with relationships too.

The good news is, that firstly you are not the first person to go through this, and secondly It is not the end of the road!

Funnily, if we came across that same old today, ten, twenty, thirty years later, it would bring back a flood of happy memories. 

The human brain is wired that way! And the same, once again, stands true for your relationships too! Try to rekindle the spark together. 

Try setting up a surprise date night with your partner, or cook together, or simply take a walk down memory lane. 

Try to reminisce about how it felt the first time you met, the first kiss, the first time you made love, the most memorable occasion together…the list goes on. 

Role play works for some, and foreplay works for others. Whatever it is that you need to do, try it, and see how either of you is going to be able to stop smiling soon after.


Easier said than done, most of us are going through some sort of stress in our adult lives, and we tend to keep these piling on in stacks in our mind until the stacks get so heavy that they overpower just about everything else, including the desire to be sexually active. 

Interconnected via a two-way-street, sex reduces anxiety, and anxiety reduces the drive for sex, so if you have to choose, we’d go with the latter. 

Several methods like meditation, yoga, undergoing massage therapy, and more, can effectively help de-stress. Give it a go, and see what works best for you.

Apart from these, several other ways that you can increase your libido, (listen closely men) is by including foods like fish, bananas, and avocados in your diet. 

With nutrients that help stimulate the blood flow naturally, these might just do the trick. 

Additionally, and this one’s known to work better for them ladies, dark chocolate seems to do wonders! Nibble on a little, and find yourself wanting for more…and we’re not talking of the chocolate anymore :)

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